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SchöneFerienTicket NRW Herbst 2024

The SchöneFerienTicket NRW Herbst 2024 is valid during autumn school holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia without restrictions from 12.10.2024 up to and including 28.10.2024 until the close of operations (until 3am the following day for rail travel). 

The SchöneFerienTicket NRW entitles one person up to and including 20 years of age to any number of journeys within the entire area of validity of the NRW tariff on public transport. Transferability to other persons not permitted. The holder must be able to identify himself on request. Free transportation of additional persons is excluded.

Exchange and refund excluded.



Ticket ist nur in Verbindung mit einem amtlichen Lichtbildausweis des Ticketinhabers gültig.

Price: €34.90
The ticket is only valid in conjunction with an official identity document with a photograph, e.g. ID card, passport, of the ticket owner.