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Universities and colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia have the option to switch to the Deutschlandsemesterticket from the summer semester of 2024. The decision to switch to the Germany Semester Ticket is currently being made at colleges and universities. You can obtain further information from your university or responsible ASta.

Here you will find a current overview of the universities that are switching to the Deutschlandsemesterticket in the OTS NRW for the summer semester of 2024. Advance sales with the start of the semester on March 1st & April 1st, 2024 has started.

To book a Deutschlandsemesterticket, please select your respective university/college in the transport association:.

As of March 28, 2024


University Start Summer-/Wintersemester 2024
AMD Köln 01.03.
CBS Aachen 01.09./01.10.
CBS Köln 01.08./01.09./01.10.
CBS Neuss 01.08./01.09./01.10.
CBS Solingen 01.09./01.10.
FH Münster 01.09.
FH Südwestf. Hagen 01.09.
FH Südwestfalen Iserlohn & Soest 01.09.
HFMT Wuppertal 01.10.
HS Bonn-Rhein-Sieg 01.03.
HS Fresenius Charlotte Bachelor 01.04.
HS Fresenius Charlotte Master 01.03.
HS Fresenius Gesundheit 01.04.
HS Fresenius Wirtschaft 01.04.
HS Hamm-Lippstadt  01.03.
HMKW 01.04.
iba Bochum  01.04.
iba Köln 01.04.
iba Münster 01.04.
KatHo Aachen 01.03.
KatHo Köln 01.03.
KatHo Münster 01.03.
KatHo Paderborn 01.03.
Kunstakademie Münster 01.04.
Sporthochschule Köln 01.04.
SRH Hamm 01.04.
SRH Köln 01.04.
SRH Münster 01.04.
SRH Gera Bonn 01.04.
SRH Gera Düsseldorf 01.08.
SRH Gera Leverkusen 01.05.
TH Köln 01.03.
Uni Münster 01.04.
Westf. HS Bocholt 01.03.

(List is continually updated)